About me

Yup, that’s me sitting cross legged on the ground. But, truth be told, it’s a younger version of me. I still sit like that but only for short writing spurts or a quick meditation otherwise the risk of those old legs never unfolding from underneath me is a real thing.

I keep attempting to keep a blog going but life sometimes has other plans. Which is okay. Life is meant to be lived after all. Mind you, I’ve never stopped writing, that’s what keeps me alive.

After two plus years of having my face glued to zoom more than anywhere else, coming to the computer and facing the screen again hasn’t appealed to me much.

Because I suck at all the tech stuff of learning a new blog site, even just figuring out how to make a simple post seems overwhelming after a long days work. But, here I am, having another go at it. Time will tell where it leads. I’m still a work in progress and hope to always be as long as I’m on this earth.

If you get a chance, check out my memoir which is now available in both English and French. While you’re checking that out, you might as well check out my Facebook business pages too.

Anything else you’re curious about?

Leave me your email address and you’ll get an update when I make a post where I just might have an answer for you.

Well the first book is done anyway. And aren’t you lucky, it’s now available in both English and in French. Check it out below.

Alright, I better get back to writing….. Shouldn’t you be doing the same?

Catch you later.