Halloween Has Come and Gone

We panicked at the number of kids showing up on our doorstep and how quick the candy bowl was emptying out which prompted a decision to jump in the car scoot over to town and get more goodies.

While I was on my aquisition mission, Andree reported six more came by which left us with pretty slim pickings.

But wouldn’t you know it, once I showed up with the loot to replenish the now empty bowl, only two more appeared and that was it. No more trick or treaters.

Guess who got stuck holding the bag. Not the first time.

Sweet tooth anyone?

Well, at least we had fun carving the pumpkins and making a display on our front steps. Some kids were too excited to notice and others were intrigued enough to comment on the carved pumpkins.

Till next year!

Might just be our turn to dress up and go door to door.

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